Sunday 25 September 2022

it's you.

I keep on playing our songs. Reminded of how blessed I am to have you around. reminded of all the littlest things you have done for me that accumulates to be so so much. for every time you came over to be with me, to make sure I am okay or well, comfortable and happy. to see to it that I don't feel left out. tell me you love me and held me through the roughest times. tolerate my moodiness and still love me for who I am. tell me it is okay to fall and see to it that my blanket is covered and i am warm. you cheer me up whenever i need it. remind me of how much I am loved as often as you can. all that.. means the world to me and it is something i wouldn't exchange, not even for the world at my feet. I had instant flashbacks of everything that had passed by and set footprints in my mind. so much to keep. through the hurt, pain, and loss, I realised, that, if it meant finding you-- i'd do it all over again. the times when I am unhappy in your name, you don't realise this, but i do, you dont have to make it up to me. things heal when you show up and wrap your arms around me. that; is more than enough. farhan keeps all of this memories within him and reminds me. I thank him, thank my sis, thank my mum--she knw from the very first he's the best for me, and I thanks ya Allah.
I really can't wait for our anniversary.
thanks Ya Allah.
from, Your love


Anonymous said...

semoga kekal bahagia;)

AzarNadhirah said...


time ksh lisma =)

Unknown said...

amiinnn.. =)

AzarNadhirah said...

♥♥♥♥♥ ^_^

IRA said...

so happy together nampak :D i wish u two all the best!

AzarNadhirah said...

hehehe..thanks kak ira..
ta balik malaysia ke kak??

IRA said...

balik lg 2 weeks! nak kirim barang tak? ;p heheh kak ira suka shop for ppl ni (sbb shop utk diri sendri tak pnah puas) hehehe

AzarNadhirah said...

waa best nye..
then if kak ngah mntk krim pape, cmne plak kak ira na bg..huhu

IRA said...

We can meet anywhere :)

AzarNadhirah said...

hehe besh2..
akk cmne kat sane?

IRA said...

Sehat je..kene la supprt abg awak..dia pun byk support kak ira heheh..hope ure doing good tooo!

AzarNadhirah said...

heee good 4 both of you :)
yah im doing good here..bosan la..hik.