Friday, 18 December 2009

new moon.

Still the movie is good and nice as people were screaming and love some scenes from the movie. People would scream and giggle as they watch some romantic and love scenes from the movie. I love the action scenes from the wolves on how they act naturally in their sequence. and edward's scenes too hehe. The twist of the story was really good and nice. Twilight still reigns! and I still consider this movie as one of the best movies I watched this year the other one is 2012.

The ending of the movie was a little bit intriguing because edward said: 'Marry me Bella!' and then it stopped right there. After edward said that line people just scream from affection lol!
We had fun and we enjoyed the movie and it entertained us. Hoping to see again the next chapter of the Twilight Eclipse b'coz I'm so anxious to watch it.

What else can i say? Jacob is freakin hot! but I'm still Edward's biggest fan after all hehe

Thank you my love farhan for taking me to watch this and it makes me even happier that you actually like the movie :)

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